Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meme Day 25

Day 25 – A first
The first time I ever had Marmite, the nastiest thing on the planet. And I guarantee it will be the last time. Marmite is a lot like…vegemite. Not that I’ve had vegemite, but that’s what other people say. It’s a dark colored, foul-smelling, pasty spread that New Zealanders like to eat. Let me tell you, it’s just awful. I nearly puked. But at least I’ve tried it.


  1. Yes, 'tis a foul substance. It does indeed taste like vegamite. Neither do I enjoy. Haha.

  2. Haha, at first I thought marmite was some kind of bug, kind of like lice or that other thing that gets in your skin and gives you a rash.

    I'll have to pick that word when I play Dictionary with my family and friends for Thanksgiving like we usually do.


  3. I have no desire to try it. I have quite a list of things that I have no desire to try, actually! Some things just SEEM gross. Like cottage cheese. and artichokes. I DID finally try olives, and yeah, didn't really care for those.

  4. Sour cream!!! I actually tried it one time and I almost gagged! :P
