Monday, October 18, 2010

Meme Day 22

Day 22 – Something that upsets you
Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Hahahahahaha.
Would it be pessimistic to start a list? …….. Naw

Abortion. Closed-mindedness. Apathetic Christians. Lying. Friends who don’t care about their friends. People who think all women belong at home in the kitchen. When I pull a muscle. Cults. Favoritism. When my dad decides to do something differently than he did before even though the first time it worked PERFECTLY. When we don’t decorate for Christmas. When it doesn’t snow in the winter. Chemistry.
When I am lazy.


  1. I agree with them all.

  2. I think I've already seen this, but I just re-noticed one of the things you said:
    "When it doesn't snow in the winter."
    Ha! Okay, yes, I would be sad, too, if it didn't snow in the winter, but that thought sounds RIDICULOUS to me, because to my New England grown mind, it ALWAYS snows in the winter!!! The thought of NO snow for a year? FOR-EIGN!!! I can't even fathom it. :D Come visit! Spend the winter here!
