Tuesday, September 27, 2011

why is it so hot in September??

sorry it's so big! I didn't know how to shrink it any further...well I do but I'm too lazy :P

so yes, it is like 70 degrees everyday here. I am wearing shorts and a tshirt this morning. I can't wait for the snow to come!

In the picture above is my and my roomie! We stayed up last night until 2:30 am talking about everything under the sun...I am exhausted now but it was such a blessing of a conversation. I see so clearly that God has put us together to learn from each other and help one another grow...this is such an answer to prayer and my heart is overflowing with gratitude!

On my prayer list is my microbiology class. Not only is the topic really hard, but we have a huge workload and I have a difficult time learning the concepts because most of it we are expected to learn from reading the textbook and I don't really learn well from reading. So not only am I working hard in that class (even still falling behind) but that prevents me from putting 100% into my other classes. So I am praying for time management skills, hardcore concentration ability, and a little bit of supernatural understanding from up above. :)

I want to share a verse that we learned for one of our classes:
Ephesians 4:1-3
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Studying to be a nurse is hard. It will get harder.

Truth: I have never really enjoyed school or studying.

I want to change: my attitude towards learning.

Truth: I would rather study cultures, people groups, geography, and ministry anytime

I will continue with nursing because: I have seen first-hand how effective medical care is in showing God's love to the world.

For me: the selfish choice would be to pursue a degree that I want to learn about simply because I think it would be awesome. Unless God directs me elsewhere, I will trust that He'll help me pass these classes, learn a lot, and become the best nurse I can be.

All for the glory of God!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My roommate almost just kicked me in the face!

since we bunked our beds, Ellary has said she wants to jump up onto the top bunk instead of climbing up. She just tried...twice, both times epic failures. It was very amusing, however.

So for dinner tonight we did take-out Chinese. For one, the cafeteria was JAM-PACKED. For second, they close super early! And thirdly...I'd take Chinese over cafeteria food anyday. Plenty of leftovers. :)

Today was our second day of classes...I am one of the fortunate ones who only had two classes in all over these last few days. My roommate, on the other hand, had all of hers, so she is stressing out over homework whereas I will probably be at that point next week. It's sorta funny, though, to see all the freshmen freaking out about homework, all the upperclassmen telling them that it will become more natural as time goes on, and they still freak out. Haha, I love having experience this already...

Tonight Ellary asked me how I am doing with my parents being gone and stuff. It's really hard, but in a different way than other freshmen might be feeling. Since I've already been away from my family for the length of a semester I think I've gone through that initial separation stuff. But it's still hard...I am ready to move on, but that doesn't make it easier.

Spiritual stuff. We had our first chapel service on Wednesday. The speaker (one of my professors) gave an absolutely amazing message. She talked about how Abraham did not just hold to God His promises, expecting Him to keep to them and that is all he got out of his relationship from God. He loved the presence of God more than the promises of God. And I was like: oh my word. I have been repeating to myself, "He is faithful. He promised this will be a good year. I am going to trust Him." Yet never once have I thought, "Enjoy God in this place." So I needed to hear that, and God served it up.

if you would like to pray for me, please pray that I would remain faithful in engaging in community with Him. I have promised my life to Him, so I need to follow through with that.
also please pray that God would bring the people into my life that I can bless in some way, but that I would also be open to being loved by others.
and also please pray that I would not despair but find joy in the morning.

from my heart.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

lazy day + rain

I woke up this morning half an hour before I had to go take a writing test so I scrambled to get ready, ran out the door to see that it was raining. But I was too in a rush to go back for my umbrella so I just got a little wet. Turns out after the test it went from raining to pouring so I got even wetter, but it was ok because I had to shower anyways.

So now I am in my room, all warm with my snuggly blanket, watching The Office and chilling on my last day with nothing to do. They say that the worst thing to do at college is stay in your dorm room but I recharge when I'm alone and I definitely need some alone time.

I brought three bottles of bubbles with me, which I knew was a good idea. A big blue bottle that blows lots of them, a little bottle for my purse, and one that is shaped like a popsicle and smells like chocolate. My roomie thinks I'm crazy but they make me happy!

I'm all settled in now, packing and unpacking-wise. Our room is very spacious and cozy and there aren't a ton of girls on our floor so I don't think showering will be too much of an issue.

I have met a few people already who went to Gabon, more of them to meet, so I am excited. PLUS, I am pretty sure it's set in stone, but I will be seeing some awesome Gabon people in NJ this fall, too!

All in all, it's still the first week and it usually takes me a while to settle in, but i know that God is faithful and I am not doubting that He has me here for a reason. I just want to be His vessel.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I haven't taken any pictures (yet)

People keep telling me they want pictures of college life, and I PROMISE you will see some. At some point. Here's the thing you need to know about me, though. It's really weird, I don't know why I'm like this or how to overcome it, but I don't really put myself out there in social situations or make instant friends very easily. So yeah, I've met some awesome people and I'm excited to live with them in community for 4 years, but it's gonna take me a few weeks to get to know them and see them as a family. So until then I am just gonna chill and let things take their natural course.

College is weird...it hasn't hit me yet that I'm really here for good. I haven't even unpacked or organized stuff, but they've had us running around campus for the past two days so we have no time to do anything personal. I'm dead tired, too, and skipping some meals to sleep. Not that the cafeteria food is something we go flocking to with anticipation.

Trying to remember that God is faithful.