Monday, October 4, 2010

Housekeeping and Narcissism

Is blogging for narcissists? An entire "website" devoted to talking about myself, my thoughts, and my experiences. It's sort of like a journal but one that we write hoping someone will read it. It's either a great success when all the people who love you read it or a great embarassment when no one does. But I will keep writing because maybe in a few years I will love to go back and read what I wrote.

My brain right at my forehead feels like it is being smooshed together. Ouch.

French test tomorrow. Study study study...

I understood something today in chemistry!! Now let's hope this trend continues...

PLEASE if you leave a comment and don't have a google or blogger or Lj account leave your name at the bottom of your comments so I know who you are. :)

1 comment:

  1. Tis just me. :) Stopping by to say good for you. Chemistry never did do much for me. I still hold a grudge against it. ;)
