Saturday, October 2, 2010

House-sitting Day 1

The first-time house-sitter's tips for other first-time house-sitters:
-Make sure you know how door locks work.
-Introduce yourself to the neighbors before something bad happens
-Pay attention when the house-owners explain to you how to use the TV. It is awkward to call and ask how to play a DVD. I mean, for all they know the cat could be sick but you WANT TO WATCH A MOVIE!

Silence. Almost too much silence. I can hear a ticking clock, the buzzing of the refrigerator, and an occasional sizzle from my warming egg rolls. But otherwise, there is not a sound to accompany my rapid typing. I always said that when I lived alone I would blast music and sing as loud as I want. But for some reason--maybe out of fear, maybe because this silence is such a different sound--I don't want to make much noise.

It is Day 1 of my house-sitting job. My FIRST house-sitting job, as was so apparent to myself and the next-door neighbor this morning as I knocked on her door at 9 am. Only moments before I had walked out the front door to get the mail. Because the cat is ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED OUTSIDE I shut the door behind me. And guess what? The handle has a trick lock. Whether it is locked or not, from the inside the handle moves as if if were unlocked. So I opened the door quite easiy and didn't realize that it was locked. That is, didn't realize it until after I shut it behind me. And of course my phone and keys were inside. After trying to break in on my own (but after two minutes realized it would be impossible) I went over to the neighbors. Turns out they work at night so at 9 in the morning they are just getting to bed. But she was very nice and helped me pry open the screen on a window that I had THANKFULLY opened before I went out.

So yep. Does that make me the worst house-sitter in the world? I'm trying to tell myself it doesn't seeing as I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom floors today. Maybe tomorrow I will get the living and dining rooms done. C (what I am going to call the lady who lives here, and her husband is T) told me that she would pay me for cleaning but I would have done this anyways even if she wasn't. Shoot me now but there is something therapeutic about making something dirty into something clean.

Of course I did spill milk on the kitchen floor after it was clean.

There is a cat here but he is very shy and I have only seen him twice. But I know he's alive and here because his food is gone that I put out for him.


  1. House sitting would be so very fun :) I watch a friends cat sometimes but I do not actually stay there, I stop by every day to check on her... her name is MEME! ;) haha! And I do find your adventure quite amusing especially because I have had to break into my own house so many times for even worse reasons :P

  2. You are so cute!
    You are NOT the worst house-sitter in the world! We got locked out of our own house one night. My dad and uncle broke into the house through the kitchen window and my cousin had to crawl through into the sink. ;)

  3. I love your way of writing, Livs! You're interesting and entertaining to read! Sounds like you've had quite the adventure so far - maybe the rest of your time will go smoother! :)

  4. Hehe! I think you are a good house-sitter! And if you didn't have any mishaps you wouldn't have any fun stories to tell! ;-) Hehe! At least they didn't have an alarm! ;-)

    I know what you mean about getting dirty things clean! It always makes me happy! ;-)
