Day 27 – Your favourite place
I love my grandparent’s home in Michiga…my room, and cozy little restaurants like Panera. My favourite place I ever went was Venice, Italy though.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Meme Day 26
Day 26 – Your fears
People I love dying. And probably some sort of fear of what people will think of me but I’m not sure how to describe it…cuz I usually don’t care. Maybe I fear I’m not good enough…? For…something?
People I love dying. And probably some sort of fear of what people will think of me but I’m not sure how to describe it…cuz I usually don’t care. Maybe I fear I’m not good enough…? For…something?
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Meme Day 25
Day 25 – A first
The first time I ever had Marmite, the nastiest thing on the planet. And I guarantee it will be the last time. Marmite is a lot like…vegemite. Not that I’ve had vegemite, but that’s what other people say. It’s a dark colored, foul-smelling, pasty spread that New Zealanders like to eat. Let me tell you, it’s just awful. I nearly puked. But at least I’ve tried it.
The first time I ever had Marmite, the nastiest thing on the planet. And I guarantee it will be the last time. Marmite is a lot like…vegemite. Not that I’ve had vegemite, but that’s what other people say. It’s a dark colored, foul-smelling, pasty spread that New Zealanders like to eat. Let me tell you, it’s just awful. I nearly puked. But at least I’ve tried it.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The Night

Well, all I can say about the Celtic Thunder concert!! So much fun. I still can't believe I did it and it's all over. Although this stuffy nose and scratchy throat are reminders.
Katie and I drove up after my class and walked around for a little bit at 16th St. Mall (Denver). It was freezing and windy. Within...oh, I'd say an hour, I could feel my head being enveloped by the sensations I get when I have a cold coming on. Dern, I thought I could make it through the semester without getting sick. Let's hope it doesn't take off and go all haywire.
So we got there plenty early, got all parked and hurried in. The "theatre" it was in was like a big arena...a large flat floor surrounded by seats on all sides. Only half of the floor was filled with seats and people sat up on the sides only about...five rows up. So less than half of the theatre was filled, and it holds about 6,000 people. Katie and I were in the farthest back section...we were surrounded by elderly people. I'd say at least 50% of the audience demographics were elderly people. There is as much unenthusiasm from them as there is enthusiasm, making it probably not so energetic for the performers. But Katie and I did enough screaming for our whole section.
The show was made up of two section. The first they sang a bunch of more Celtic songs that are not on any of their albums. The second was all "It's Entertainment" songs (such as "Home" which I posted earlier). They sang a lot of those songs on the album, the only differences being that Ryan substituted "Bad Bad Leory Brown" with "Viva La Vida" (which was, btw, probably my favorite version of the song). I wish they hadn't cut out "Amazing Grace" just because it is so beautiful and gives Damian more of a solo. Thankfully they did most of the awesome songs like "Home", "I Wanna Spend My Life With You", and "Hallelujah" (which I cried during because it's just so beautiful and it was Tracey's favorite...). But it was still AHmazing!! Their voices sounded perfect considering the high altitude.
Some of the unplanned funny moments...Keith either forgetting the words or losing his voice during a group number. Damian laughing in the middle of a verse during "Home" (I think the pianist did something funny...I didn't see), and Paul starting to lift up Damian's kilt while they were singing "Ireland" at the end. Oh, and Keith doing his trademark little heel click thing as they left the stage after the show.
aaaw, there is a cute little squirrel out back hopping over leaves....
anyways, it was a terrific show! afterwards, I swear, within about twenty minutes of the show ending the entire place was just empty. Katie and I hung around so we weren't caught up in the made car rush. Katie topped off the night by asking the man at the merchandise table if the guys were going to come out. Hahaha...we aren't screaming fangirls or anything. I'm just a singing fangirl...freaked Katie out as we walked to the car by singing "I wanna spend my life with you [Damian]!!"
And now it is all over. :( Someday when I'm even richer (or probably poorer) I might go again and get better seats. But I am sort of relieved that I'm not like, all passionate and emotional. I loved every minute and was not believing I was actually hearing them in person. But for some reason (and I'm not stuck up about this, I'm just so humbly thankful) it was so clear to me that these men have talent, amazing talent, but it's all given to them by God. And unlike Katie, who just felt so passionate about music afterwards, I just thought to myself, "I love music, I love Celtic Thunder, but I know that it's all just worldly passion. Give me Jesus."

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Meme Day 24
Day 24 – Something that makes you cry
God’s amazing-ness. When people I love leave. Stress. School. Being tired while listening to an emotional song. Oh, and “Fox and the Hound”, the end of the movie “Prince Caspian”, and the film “Christmas Shoes”.
God’s amazing-ness. When people I love leave. Stress. School. Being tired while listening to an emotional song. Oh, and “Fox and the Hound”, the end of the movie “Prince Caspian”, and the film “Christmas Shoes”.
Friday, October 22, 2010
I once asked God for a perfect friend. He never gave me one. It wasn't until now that I realized it's His way of saying, "Olivia, I am your Perfect Friend."
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Meme Day 23
Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better
Good food or when friends spontaneously go out of their way to make me feel loved.

I love dance. How I will miss it.
I have been craving hot apple cider for weeks. Craving fulfilled.
Oh, I got a 92% on my chemistry test today.
And a 91% on my history midterm.
=D happiness.
Good food or when friends spontaneously go out of their way to make me feel loved.

I love dance. How I will miss it.
I have been craving hot apple cider for weeks. Craving fulfilled.
Oh, I got a 92% on my chemistry test today.
And a 91% on my history midterm.
=D happiness.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Smile, your mom chose life
Monday, October 18, 2010
Meme Day 22
Day 22 – Something that upsets you
Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Hahahahahaha.
Would it be pessimistic to start a list? …….. Naw
Abortion. Closed-mindedness. Apathetic Christians. Lying. Friends who don’t care about their friends. People who think all women belong at home in the kitchen. When I pull a muscle. Cults. Favoritism. When my dad decides to do something differently than he did before even though the first time it worked PERFECTLY. When we don’t decorate for Christmas. When it doesn’t snow in the winter. Chemistry.
When I am lazy.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Hahahahahaha.
Would it be pessimistic to start a list? …….. Naw
Abortion. Closed-mindedness. Apathetic Christians. Lying. Friends who don’t care about their friends. People who think all women belong at home in the kitchen. When I pull a muscle. Cults. Favoritism. When my dad decides to do something differently than he did before even though the first time it worked PERFECTLY. When we don’t decorate for Christmas. When it doesn’t snow in the winter. Chemistry.
When I am lazy.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thanks, Sam, for the song stuck in my head
This morning I watched a video that Sam posted on Facebook of the men singing "Bad Romance" acapella. It's been stuck in my head all day. Grrrrr. Good thing I don't mind that song but it could get annoying.
Agonizing over chemistry. This test may be take home but it is really frustratingly complicated and I'm not even sure if I've learned some of the stuff that is on it...
I saw a recipe on the front of a Betty Crocker magazine in Walmart. Pumpin Chai Cheesecake. *dies* I found a similar recipe online that I think I am going to try making.
Today I spoke with a friend at church who went to Gabon this past summer. I told her that I had applied to go there as well and she was freaking out, so excited for me and was telling me how much I will love it. I was just really encouraged that she told me that and was so excited. Now I'm even more excited and praying that this really is what God wants me to do!!
My prayer life is greatly lacking.
Everyone should get skype.
I love video chatting in case you didn't know! with everyone. So...I'm always up for a vid date!
Oh, and Toy Story 3 is SO DARN CUTE. It was the perfect ending to some great movies. I cried and cried and laughed really hard. Now I think I need to have a Toy Story marathon or something...
Agonizing over chemistry. This test may be take home but it is really frustratingly complicated and I'm not even sure if I've learned some of the stuff that is on it...
I saw a recipe on the front of a Betty Crocker magazine in Walmart. Pumpin Chai Cheesecake. *dies* I found a similar recipe online that I think I am going to try making.
Today I spoke with a friend at church who went to Gabon this past summer. I told her that I had applied to go there as well and she was freaking out, so excited for me and was telling me how much I will love it. I was just really encouraged that she told me that and was so excited. Now I'm even more excited and praying that this really is what God wants me to do!!
My prayer life is greatly lacking.
Everyone should get skype.
I love video chatting in case you didn't know! with everyone. So...I'm always up for a vid date!
Oh, and Toy Story 3 is SO DARN CUTE. It was the perfect ending to some great movies. I cried and cried and laughed really hard. Now I think I need to have a Toy Story marathon or something...
Meme Day 21
Day 21 – Another moment
How about the memory of when my sister was born. I wasn’t there, but I stayed with some friends of ours and as we were walking to the hospital my friend tripped on the curb. So of course he started crying and the next memory I have is sitting in the hallway outside of my mom’s room alone because my friend and his mom were somewhere because he was crying and for some reason I wasn’t allowed in my mom’s room. Haha…and I remember my mom’s bed being really really high. Oh the memories of a 3-year-old.
How about the memory of when my sister was born. I wasn’t there, but I stayed with some friends of ours and as we were walking to the hospital my friend tripped on the curb. So of course he started crying and the next memory I have is sitting in the hallway outside of my mom’s room alone because my friend and his mom were somewhere because he was crying and for some reason I wasn’t allowed in my mom’s room. Haha…and I remember my mom’s bed being really really high. Oh the memories of a 3-year-old.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Meme Day 20
Day 20 – This month
Has the makings to be an amazing month. In…two weeks I get to go to a Celtic Thunder concert! I have had many many blessings and some crazy awesome things in the works…school always puts a damper on things but I’m trying to have a more positive attitude.
Has the makings to be an amazing month. In…two weeks I get to go to a Celtic Thunder concert! I have had many many blessings and some crazy awesome things in the works…school always puts a damper on things but I’m trying to have a more positive attitude.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I love winter. I love everything about winter. I love the feeling of when you are really, really cold and you fill up a bath or turn on the shower and just warm up with hot water. I love at night when I throw off my robe and jump under all my covers as fast as possible. I love watching tv when the fire is reflecting off the television screen. I love the excuse to drink as much tea in a day as I want. I love love love the snow and when it blizzards so much that we can't leave the house. I love leaving the house and bundling up. I love going to church and bringing a blanket to wrap up in because it is so cold.
Ok, so technically speaking since the grass is still green and it's only 48 degrees it isn't winter yet. But I am dreaming of winter...and snow...
Ok, so technically speaking since the grass is still green and it's only 48 degrees it isn't winter yet. But I am dreaming of winter...and snow...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Meme Day 19
Day 19 – Something you regret
There are lots of things I regret doing, but I think I more often regret the things I did not do. And continue not to do. So I seem to always regret…
There are lots of things I regret doing, but I think I more often regret the things I did not do. And continue not to do. So I seem to always regret…
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Meme Day 18
Day 18 – Your favourite birthday
Hmm…maybe my 17th. My first surprise party ever. It was at a really yum Italian restaurant with five of my great girlfriends. We had calamarie (or however you spell it…you know, the fried squid sucker things) and walked around shops afterwards. They made me go in Victoria’s Secret—blech!
Hmm…maybe my 17th. My first surprise party ever. It was at a really yum Italian restaurant with five of my great girlfriends. We had calamarie (or however you spell it…you know, the fried squid sucker things) and walked around shops afterwards. They made me go in Victoria’s Secret—blech!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Meme Day 17
Day 17 – Your favourite memory
I think this meme was written by either a a) person with no soul or b) computer. Because how can anyone who can function a computer and write coherent words to form this meme (aka, lived a substantial amount of life) pick ONE FAVOURITE MEMORY???? Gosh. Well, a very important memory is the memories I have of living in Slovakia, Europe for a year. There ya go. Ask me sometime.
I think this meme was written by either a a) person with no soul or b) computer. Because how can anyone who can function a computer and write coherent words to form this meme (aka, lived a substantial amount of life) pick ONE FAVOURITE MEMORY???? Gosh. Well, a very important memory is the memories I have of living in Slovakia, Europe for a year. There ya go. Ask me sometime.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I am writing this as I listen to a friend talking on the phone...
So I used to think I was a good listener but I realized that just listening to people talk might not be good listening skills. I am so used to listening to other people talk that I've gotten to the point where I can listen to other people for hours and still do other things like write a blog post or watch TV. Usually I don't, but there is a difference between having a conversation with someone and just listening to them blabber on. I am always willing to listen no matter what but I guess I'm just too good a listener. Listen while I clean, listen while I cook, listen while I do homework, listen while I surf the web. I love listening but it seems I do so much of it that I have to do other stuff at the same time.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Meme Day 16
Day 16 – Your first kiss
You know, it looks romantic and stuff in the movies but I bet it can be awkward, this kissing thing. I mean, what if your breath was bad?? What do you do with your hands and arms and nose? I’m still sorta on the edge about it...God has to bring someone ULTRA special for me to even consider it.
You know, it looks romantic and stuff in the movies but I bet it can be awkward, this kissing thing. I mean, what if your breath was bad?? What do you do with your hands and arms and nose? I’m still sorta on the edge about it...God has to bring someone ULTRA special for me to even consider it.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Grapefruit Sorbet
For giving a pint of blood at school I got a coupon for a free pint of ice cream from Baskin Robbins. I got grapefruit sorbet! After this I may go get some. I even kept my little taste tester spoon so I can eat it but it lasts longer. Teehee.
Today I was looking on Facebook at some people's profiles. And I realized that my family has been forgotten by someone who was special to us. So then I started thinking about being forgotten and I thought of some other people that I love deeply who seem to have forgotten the roots of many good things. I think that being forgotten is worse than being shunned. Because being shunned means that the person just doesn't like you or want to be with you. But being forgotten means that you were never important enough to them to remember you...
Another late night tonight. I am definitely feeling the effects of this house-sitting thing. My friend is staying with me tonight and she isn't even here yet at...10 pm. And when she gets here she has lots and lots of homework to do. So maybe tomorrow I will stop for a Dutch Bros to give me a boost. Grrrrrrr I hate chemistry.
It is extremely quiet. I wonder where the cat is...
Today I was looking on Facebook at some people's profiles. And I realized that my family has been forgotten by someone who was special to us. So then I started thinking about being forgotten and I thought of some other people that I love deeply who seem to have forgotten the roots of many good things. I think that being forgotten is worse than being shunned. Because being shunned means that the person just doesn't like you or want to be with you. But being forgotten means that you were never important enough to them to remember you...
Another late night tonight. I am definitely feeling the effects of this house-sitting thing. My friend is staying with me tonight and she isn't even here yet at...10 pm. And when she gets here she has lots and lots of homework to do. So maybe tomorrow I will stop for a Dutch Bros to give me a boost. Grrrrrrr I hate chemistry.
It is extremely quiet. I wonder where the cat is...
Meme Day 15 (halfway point!)
Day 15 – Your dreams
-To be a missionary full time
-To travel all around the world…seriously, anywhere. Even Siberia
-To fall in love
-To lead someone to Christ
-To win a debate with a Mormon, Atheist, and evolutionist
-To climb Mount Olympus and defy the Greek gods!
-To be a missionary full time
-To travel all around the world…seriously, anywhere. Even Siberia
-To fall in love
-To lead someone to Christ
-To win a debate with a Mormon, Atheist, and evolutionist
-To climb Mount Olympus and defy the Greek gods!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Meme Day 14
Day 14 – What you wore today
Jeans, black Allstars (with mud on them), my pretty red shirt that was covered by my black Jillians dance hoodie because it was so cold. Not really outside, just in the classrooms ;)
Jeans, black Allstars (with mud on them), my pretty red shirt that was covered by my black Jillians dance hoodie because it was so cold. Not really outside, just in the classrooms ;)
Housekeeping and Narcissism
Is blogging for narcissists? An entire "website" devoted to talking about myself, my thoughts, and my experiences. It's sort of like a journal but one that we write hoping someone will read it. It's either a great success when all the people who love you read it or a great embarassment when no one does. But I will keep writing because maybe in a few years I will love to go back and read what I wrote.
My brain right at my forehead feels like it is being smooshed together. Ouch.
French test tomorrow. Study study study...
I understood something today in chemistry!! Now let's hope this trend continues...
PLEASE if you leave a comment and don't have a google or blogger or Lj account leave your name at the bottom of your comments so I know who you are. :)
My brain right at my forehead feels like it is being smooshed together. Ouch.
French test tomorrow. Study study study...
I understood something today in chemistry!! Now let's hope this trend continues...
PLEASE if you leave a comment and don't have a google or blogger or Lj account leave your name at the bottom of your comments so I know who you are. :)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Meme Day 13
Day 13 – This week…
…was not as busy as the week before. Truth is, I can’t remember my days/weeks very well. It all sort of blurs together. I went to class, went to dance, went to Bible study, did homework, lazed around, and now I am feeling the effects of my laziness. Friday was MY day, a day completely for myself. I watched a friend play some tennis, scrapbooked for several hours with another friend, then went to a different friend’s play that night. When Mom and I got back from the play I came right over to the house and…well, you can read about that experience down below. Last night I went to a friend’s surprise party and then came back and watched 27 Dresses with another friend. We got to bed well past midnight and were only fifteen minutes to church! Shared stories about dreams. And now I am crunching for time to get things done that need to be done. That should have been done long ago.
…was not as busy as the week before. Truth is, I can’t remember my days/weeks very well. It all sort of blurs together. I went to class, went to dance, went to Bible study, did homework, lazed around, and now I am feeling the effects of my laziness. Friday was MY day, a day completely for myself. I watched a friend play some tennis, scrapbooked for several hours with another friend, then went to a different friend’s play that night. When Mom and I got back from the play I came right over to the house and…well, you can read about that experience down below. Last night I went to a friend’s surprise party and then came back and watched 27 Dresses with another friend. We got to bed well past midnight and were only fifteen minutes to church! Shared stories about dreams. And now I am crunching for time to get things done that need to be done. That should have been done long ago.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
House-sitting Day 1
The first-time house-sitter's tips for other first-time house-sitters:
-Make sure you know how door locks work.
-Introduce yourself to the neighbors before something bad happens
-Pay attention when the house-owners explain to you how to use the TV. It is awkward to call and ask how to play a DVD. I mean, for all they know the cat could be sick but you WANT TO WATCH A MOVIE!

Silence. Almost too much silence. I can hear a ticking clock, the buzzing of the refrigerator, and an occasional sizzle from my warming egg rolls. But otherwise, there is not a sound to accompany my rapid typing. I always said that when I lived alone I would blast music and sing as loud as I want. But for some reason--maybe out of fear, maybe because this silence is such a different sound--I don't want to make much noise.
It is Day 1 of my house-sitting job. My FIRST house-sitting job, as was so apparent to myself and the next-door neighbor this morning as I knocked on her door at 9 am. Only moments before I had walked out the front door to get the mail. Because the cat is ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED OUTSIDE I shut the door behind me. And guess what? The handle has a trick lock. Whether it is locked or not, from the inside the handle moves as if if were unlocked. So I opened the door quite easiy and didn't realize that it was locked. That is, didn't realize it until after I shut it behind me. And of course my phone and keys were inside. After trying to break in on my own (but after two minutes realized it would be impossible) I went over to the neighbors. Turns out they work at night so at 9 in the morning they are just getting to bed. But she was very nice and helped me pry open the screen on a window that I had THANKFULLY opened before I went out.
So yep. Does that make me the worst house-sitter in the world? I'm trying to tell myself it doesn't seeing as I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom floors today. Maybe tomorrow I will get the living and dining rooms done. C (what I am going to call the lady who lives here, and her husband is T) told me that she would pay me for cleaning but I would have done this anyways even if she wasn't. Shoot me now but there is something therapeutic about making something dirty into something clean.
Of course I did spill milk on the kitchen floor after it was clean.
There is a cat here but he is very shy and I have only seen him twice. But I know he's alive and here because his food is gone that I put out for him.
-Make sure you know how door locks work.
-Introduce yourself to the neighbors before something bad happens
-Pay attention when the house-owners explain to you how to use the TV. It is awkward to call and ask how to play a DVD. I mean, for all they know the cat could be sick but you WANT TO WATCH A MOVIE!

Silence. Almost too much silence. I can hear a ticking clock, the buzzing of the refrigerator, and an occasional sizzle from my warming egg rolls. But otherwise, there is not a sound to accompany my rapid typing. I always said that when I lived alone I would blast music and sing as loud as I want. But for some reason--maybe out of fear, maybe because this silence is such a different sound--I don't want to make much noise.
It is Day 1 of my house-sitting job. My FIRST house-sitting job, as was so apparent to myself and the next-door neighbor this morning as I knocked on her door at 9 am. Only moments before I had walked out the front door to get the mail. Because the cat is ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED OUTSIDE I shut the door behind me. And guess what? The handle has a trick lock. Whether it is locked or not, from the inside the handle moves as if if were unlocked. So I opened the door quite easiy and didn't realize that it was locked. That is, didn't realize it until after I shut it behind me. And of course my phone and keys were inside. After trying to break in on my own (but after two minutes realized it would be impossible) I went over to the neighbors. Turns out they work at night so at 9 in the morning they are just getting to bed. But she was very nice and helped me pry open the screen on a window that I had THANKFULLY opened before I went out.
So yep. Does that make me the worst house-sitter in the world? I'm trying to tell myself it doesn't seeing as I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom floors today. Maybe tomorrow I will get the living and dining rooms done. C (what I am going to call the lady who lives here, and her husband is T) told me that she would pay me for cleaning but I would have done this anyways even if she wasn't. Shoot me now but there is something therapeutic about making something dirty into something clean.
Of course I did spill milk on the kitchen floor after it was clean.
There is a cat here but he is very shy and I have only seen him twice. But I know he's alive and here because his food is gone that I put out for him.
Meme Day 12
Day 12 – What's in your bag
Well in my purse I have my wallet (usually always), my phone, sunglasses, a mini French dictionary, a CPR mask, some girlie things, chapstick, lip gloss, and gum
Well in my purse I have my wallet (usually always), my phone, sunglasses, a mini French dictionary, a CPR mask, some girlie things, chapstick, lip gloss, and gum
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