Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2

What a day. Oh.

I am too tired to even write out everything that happened. I voted for the first time. Had my first flat tire ever. Couldn't get a hold of my dad for two hours, which was a little scary and frustrating. Forgot my books for school and had to go back home to get them. Had amazingly yummy pizza in a really awesome NYC themed restaurant. Watched an amazing video from an amazing friend.

May I just take a moment to note that I am disgusted with Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream". Absolutely horrified. Not necessarily at the degrading content of the song (which I am) as the fact that our society--people, parents, and local radio stations--condone it and even...accept the message. Oh so gross. I might just throw something.

I must be a really dysfunctional friend or something.

Got my senior pics...most of you saw them. I am really happy with the way a few of them turned out. Our good friend did them for me--she's amazing. God's amazing to have made me the way He wanted me to look. I just love that I look how God wants me to. Wow...

Tonight at Bible study we were reading Luke something or other, the story about the prostitute or cleaned Jesus's feet with her tears. And it struck me for the first time ever how amazing that story is. Have you ever experienced the amazingness of God so fully that you just cry? Or when a really awesome worship song plays and you are in a mass of thousands of people all singing together and you start bawling? I can imagine that is sort of how that woman felt x 100. I mean, to think that she was sobbing so hard that she could literally clean all of the crap of Jesus's feet. Sometimes I think that's how it might be when I get to Heaven. Not just tears from shame and humility but tears that are evoked by the sheer majesty, love, and compassion from our Lord.


  1. Oh my goodness!!! A day of firsts! Good and bad!!! I want to hear the story about your flat tire!!
    Oh my goodness! That is a fear of mine - forgetting my books for school!!!! O_O Hopefully you were to far away, or late to class! <3

    Yeah, it's a pretty awful song, so I won't admit to listening to it. ;-) It really is a pretty bad song. I'll stop, because you are absolutely right. (So you don't have to throw something at me! ;-)).

    Olivia! You are NOT a dysfunctional friend AT ALL!!!! You are the best ever!!!! You really are! And you told me to be honest with you, so there you go, that is the honest truth, and you have to believe me! *Nods*

    You looked so lovely in your senior pictures! :OD God sure did make a beautiful and wonderful you!!!! :OD

    Wow!!! Yes! Amen!! (Sounds like an STS post to me! *Hint hint* ;-)).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I removed the above comment, because I'm not Maddie, I'm Meghan. Here's the comment:

    Oh no... I like that song! :P I mean, yeah, it's not great. I guess I try to ignore the bad stuff. And maybe I SHOULD stop listening to it... I guess you've kind of reminded me of how awful it really is. Thank-you Liv, for your HONESTY. :)

  4. I was curious about Katy Perry's song "Teenage Dream" after this blog post, so I went watched the music video. On one hand, I'm glad I saw it so that I'm aware and can speak out against it, but on the other hand, I'm sorry I saw it. It was awful to say the least. Like you, I was disgusted.
    Thing is, it's got this good beat, and if you didn't pay attention to the words, it would sound like a good song...but the words. yeah. Okay. I wont be listening to it again. And hopefully, someday I can forget the actual music video.
