Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oh the endless possibilities

Today as I sat in my two hours and twenty long minute French class and realized that I would be spending five hours a week the next nineteen weeks listening to my teacher blabber on in French, a realization struck me. For the next four-six years I would be carrying just as heavy a load of schooling to try and get a four-year degree. And the idea literally made my insides sink. It's not that I try to find no joy in school or that I really do detest homework like I say I do. But would I rather be doing something else? Most definitely. Am I lazy? Maybe. Or maybe I'm not meant to be cooped up in a classroom?
So then I was like, "Ok, what are my other alternatives?" I could come up with two.
One, don't go to college and hope for the best. My first move would be to go onto the missions field, just volunteering wherever and not really spending any money. And maybe do that for the rest of my life? Or if I had to hang out here, just work as a CNA or waitress all my days and bum out with my sister when she gets a place of her own.
OR...I can do what I always was more against doing than anything. Perfect my cooking and cleaning skills, buy a bunch of make up, and go to social events to find myself a nice Christian guy who will support me forever. And thus life will be easy for me as I raise babies and cook dinner.
NOW. Absolutely no offense to any house moms or wives out there. I think motherhood and wifelyhood is fantastic. Especially when those mothers and wives are using those roles God placed them in for His glory. It's just that I can't remember ever in my life wanting to "grow up and get married and have kids". Not even when I was little. Sure, I wouldn't mind if God brought along a Jesus freak dude who would save up to go to Europe with me or throw on a backpack and roadtrip to Mexico. Not someone who gets so caught up in the routine and comfort of American life that we never go out and be disciples and witnesses to those more needy than us. Because that is what I want to do. I believe it is what God is calling me to do. And so be it if I need to take more years of school to do it. Being a self-sufficient young woman can be hard, but so be it.

1 comment:

  1. *Hugs* I'm praying for you that God would show you clearly what to do! :-)
