Friday, January 21, 2011

Tim Tebow

The title is purely experimental. I want to see if I get any search engine hits with tags about Tim Tebow (Denver football quaterback). It seems like everyone in Colorado has been caught up in Tebow fever...tonight my family (minus my sis) and I went with some friends to hear his mom speak at a pro-life conference. She was urged when she was pregnant with Tim to abort him because her life was in great danger as long as she was carrying him. I guess no one expected her or even him to live through the delivery but they both did and now Timmy is playing football and evangelizing America! Yahoooo for life!

May I just say how much I respect and admire and am in total awe of young women who find out they are pregnant, decide to go through with delivery (which personally scares me more than anything!), and give their child a better life than they can offer through adoption. I I am in awe.

Helpful hint: getting up early beats laziness in the butt! It encourages productive behavior and puts a sunny smile on one's face! at least for me it does!

Hey Olivia, can you believe you are going to Africa in 3 weeks?? Well Olivia, no I can't! It's crazy insane! Righteous man!

1 comment:

  1. Lol. You are so crazy cute! I love you. :D

    Yeah, it must be so hard for a girl to have a baby, and especially to put it up for adoption afterwards! I think that would break my heart if I had to part with my baby. :(
