Monday, January 10, 2011

People say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one

At the moment I am putting off an odd aroma of a well-worn sweater, un-showered body + hair, and coffee. I just spent the morning with a friend that has become very dear to me this past semester. She has only been here since like, July I think and is going back to North Carolina tomorrow to get ready for her wedding in June! I was thinking in the car after hugging her goodbye that it's hard saying goodbye to people, but I think it is hardest when they are going away and you are staying put. Because then things are normal except they aren't there.

I guess that is how it will be for my family and friends when I leave month and a day. Wow, I can't believe it is so close. People ask me if I am excited, and I say "yes!!". Then they ask if I am scared and I say, "I think if I wasn't scared something wouldn't be right." Of course I am scared. But what is even scarier is that I bet I am going to see God working through me while I am a scared little American graduate weakling in the middle of a foreign country with people who know what they are doing...and I don't. I just need to learn to be accepting of my ignorance and weaknesses. And I need to learn how to trust that my Lord will use me despite my imperfections.

What are you reading right now? Trying to shove in a few books before you go back to school? Or maybe you are a lucky one with no more school and perhaps you have lost the pleasure in reading! I am reading tons of books...feasting on them. One is City of Tranquil Light, a novel about a missionary couple in China. Highly recommend it! I am also going through What Every Girl Wants, a devotional centered around Song of Solomon. Quite interesting, and although perhaps a little more...upfront than you might expect for a devotional book, I personally believe that Christian women should read books like this one just because the author writes so freely on topics that are so hush-hush in churches.

As to my TOP pick book for the YEAR, Come Away My Beloved is a book I would recommend to any Jesus freak. In fact, I would probably be willing to bet each and every one of you money that you will cherish the book forever.

I am ready now to blast some music and start packing away my treasures. I hate to do it but if I don't my family will when I leave. And I don't want them reading through my diaries this time like they did over the summer while I was gone. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Olivia, many of my prayers will be with you while you are in Africa! <3
