Thursday, June 16, 2011

I am not a prayer warrior.

But I want to be.

The only thing stopping me is laziness. Probably some other little things, but mostly laziness. Oh, and lack of faith.

I think I am just lazy with my thinking in general. Sometimes I have some really profound, awesome thoughts. But, at least for me, directing my mind to come up with such thoughts (or even just think through stuff in an orderly fashion) takes some work.

Is that what it's like for you?

Haha, just some random thoughts from ME. :)


  1. Being a prayer warrior is so difficult. Just like being a physical warrior it requires constant training, practice, diligence, and vigilance. I have a hard time staying consistent with it myself. In fact, one of the prayers I find myself praying frequently is: "Lord, make me into a man of prayer."

  2. Last year I decided to start having regular devotions every day. Before then, I'd read my Bible each day, but I'd only pray sporadically and in pieces, probably a lot less often than I thought I was praying. I had been nervous about having daily prayer time, though, because I thought it would turn into something routine and not very genuine. However, I now firmly believe that those concerns were pure lies from the enemy.

    But let me say this. When I first started praying, I'd chosen to pray for half an hour each morning. And it was like pulling teeth. And besides it being like pulling teeth, my mind would wander constantly so that I probably only really prayed for ten of my thirty minutes and the rest was just analyzing and daydreaming. And to tell you the truth, there are still days like that. I still feel lethargic about actually sitting down to pray. But I never regret it. I think it is like physical exercise, and you just have to keep pushing yourself. And even though I say that it's still a challenege to feel motivated sometimes, and sometimes my prayers still feel a little flat, I can honestly tell you that I would hate to go back to not setting aside time to pray every morning. It would be like skipping dinner every night. Or only showering once a week. I feel so incredibly, beautifully blessed, so much happier in life, so much more hopeful, because of prayer. So keep at it, little sis! It's going to be a miserable challenge at first, but I can PROMISE you, you won't regret it. Not a bit. And as for the faith... God grows it, one tiny unfurling leaf at a time.

    I love you, Livvy.

