Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Last night I went to a Bible study and they had us write out 3 or more goals, put them in addressed envelopes, and we can be expecting to see those again in about 3 months. Yet another reminder that I have things I've told myself I want to accomplish but am failing at. I told my friend, "I don't like making goals because I never keep them..."

Tonight I am going to get ready and curl up in bed with my book...I can't remember the last time I did that.

We had rain today!

Also, two pairs of jeans for $20 and 3 pairs of shorts for $10. I love sales. I love Goodwill.

My sister and my dad left a few days ago for Sarajevo...they will be gone for one month, doing some ministry stuff with missionaries there. I am pretty excited for them to be having this experience, even though I miss them! (especially my younger/bigger sis...)

Actually, I have only one more week of loneliness/rest. Then we get our two Chinese girls for the exchange program and I am assistant teaching with that program for it's 2-week duration! So every week day from 8-5 I am running around (actually, chasing around) a bunch of Chinese high school students! I am pretty excited, I think we will see God work in big ways in these kids' lives. Then they leave and the other half of my family returns...oh, and then mid-August Shannon (my sister-intern from Gabon!) is coming to visit for a few days. I am so excited to spend time with her. With someone who misses it like I do.

So like they say in Sarajevo, ciao!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on the goals. Recently, a friend introduced me to a site called MindBloom, and it's like a habit tracker. You can set goals for yourself, little ones that help you climb toward the big ones in your life, and once each day you can log in to check off whether you've done them or not. You don't have to set them for every day, either, you could make a goal and set it for once a week. It seems like it has the potential to be another time-waster, but in reality I find that I spend a literal two minutes checking off the things, and that's it. I think it's cool.
