Sunday, February 9, 2014

butterflies in my stomach

This past December I made some pit stops mid-country while I was en route back home to Colorado.  After spending a few days in Chicago with a good friend, I took a train to Michigan to see my grandparents.  During that ride, a very attractive, very nice young man tried to talk to me.  (It's a depressing story not worth telling that exemplifies my lack of 'talking to boys' skills).  Maybe I don't have to mention this, but on that particular day I wasn't looking too hot.  My friends didn't have hot water in their apartment so my hair was noticeably unwashed.  I wore baggy clothing and am pretty sure I hadn't put on any makeup.  Nonetheless, something about me gave that young man the courage to talk to me.  Like I said, it didn't end well (we could actually just say that as promptly as he tried to start a conversation, I just as promptly ended it).  

But every so often I think about that day and get butterflies in my stomach.  I can't stop myself from smiling as I think about the fact that there was something special enough about me to encourage the train man to talk to me.  

I wish that I could feel that special when I think about God's love for me.  I know He's crazy about me (and you!), but for now, it is head knowledge and not heart knowledge.  Little experiences like that, though, remind me that I am a beautiful, interesting, different person that He has created.  Kinda cool.  

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