Hey from New York. I am sitting up in a loft room we have on the 4th floor of my dorm looking out over the amazing view we have of the Hudson River and brightly lit Tapanzee Bridge. Trains chug back and forth along the riverbank, heading towards the city (or upstate). Cars are lined up right now on the roads and bridge, everyone trying to get home after a long day of work. "Wow," I thought to myself earlier. "I live in New York." Little me from Colorado Springs, Colorado, could hop on a bus anytime and be in the middle of Times Square within the hour.
This semester has literally FLOWN by. Probably faster than any others. If I don't have a grade-making (or breaking) test one week, then I use that week to prepare for the next week when I will have a test (or two). It's so hard for me to live my life where each minute counts. The five minutes it takes me to write this blog post are five minutes I could have used to memorize something like how much urinary output in a 24-hour period is normal for each age group of people form birth to death. (Which is something I need to know for my next test).
Nursing school is hard...hard hard hard hard. Halfway through the semester I am beginning to realize that if I want to pass nursing school it will take a miracle. And lots and lots and lots of hard work. Honestly, I don't think I'm that hard of a worker (despite what everyone who knows me says) so nursing school is looking really daunting right now.
But on a more hopeful note, I've had a few experiences this last week that have spurred me on to work hard (right after I finish this post). This week a FREAKING AWESOME missionary nurse from South Africa (originally from New Jersey, though) came to tell us about her life as a nurse in Africa. All I could think as she talked was, "I want to do that, I want to do that, I want to do that."
Maybe one day I will.
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