I was sitting one
quiet Wednesday night at the table in our library’s front lobby. From where I sat, I faced the aisles of books
that led to the silent study area. As I
looked up from my paper, a strange thing happened. A boy that I see around campus walked by me
towards the bookshelves. He is one of
those people that I have never talked to but know about because we have mutual
friends…you know, that type of situation.
Walking down the aisle directly in front of me was a girl that I knew he
has feelings for (word travels fast in a small school). The way that it worked, though, was that just
as he entered the aisle right next to her she came out of the aisle in front of
me. They missed each other by mere
seconds…it was an ironic thing to take place, and even more so since I
witnessed it and knew that if time had allowed for him to walk by a little
later, or for her to walk just a little faster down the aisle, they would have
seen each other. That would have made
him happy!