Friday, November 26, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

It is true. The day after Thanksgiving begins Christmas season in my home. I set my alarm clock this morning on the Christmas radio station. Because of the dog we are dogsitting, though, I didn't get to wake up to magical Christmas music. But you can be sure I put some on the minute I got out of bed. And at this very moment I am listening to the Celtic Thunder Christmas album. At Dad's prompting (can I get a shocked face??) I downloaded it MP3. As an early present from him, I guess! Can I use this moment to say again how much I love this band?

Margie and I didn't end up going shopping today. We were going to but last night I just liked the idea of staying home and decorating better than wasting gas in traffic. Plus, shopping just wears me out and I didn't want to be a sleepy mess tonight at a sleepover we are going to. Maybe next year we will pull it off.

I am definitely not looking forward to the next two weeks. Two weeks and then I am done done done! I feel so un-studied, though. Now I'm panicking...I think I'll go study. Oh school you are the tragedy of my life. And yet one of the biggest blessings. Love + hate = school...


  1. :OD I love Christmas time!!! *Happiness* :OD Oooh! I should see if we have a Christmas radio station out here!! Hmmm... :OD

    Blech, shopping wears me out too!!! Hehe! <3
    Ooh! Have fun at the sleepover! :OD

    Same here - the next two weeks aren't going to be fun!
    But you can do it!!!! YOU CAN! I'm cheering you on!! Then you will be graduated!! And then AFRICA!!! EEPP!!! :OD *Big hug* And school DOES end someday! I promise! ;-) xoxo

  2. I woke up to Christmas music this morning! :OD Made me happy! <3 <3

  3. I completely agree with you about school! :)
