Monday, November 29, 2010

Even when you feel like crap...'re never fully dressed without a smile! That is kinda my motto. I don't really live by it, but I try.

On Sunday afternoon I began to get that feeling that a cold was coming on. And sure enough my nose is stuffy and dry and red from so much blowing. At least I don't have a fever! And today I was putting on my coat and I pulled/twisted my neck so now I can hardly turn my head. Uuugh I feel awful but I could be worse. I could be sitting under a cold bridge with only one old coat for warmth and no food in my belly. My heart goes out to those in our city who must brave this cold night.

I have six followers on the Africa blog! Woohoo!

Today there was some snow on the ground and ice on the roads. It never got above 30 degrees. Oh I love winter days!

If you could marry someone that looked like any actor/actress, which would you choose? Not including personalities, just looks! (Please feel free to post pictures!)


  1. Hope you feel better soon love! <3

    I read your Africa blog too, I just don't tend to become a "follower", what does that do anyways? Hehe!

    Dean Kane. Hands down! (When he was younger, like in the 90's! :-P).

  2. You are so cute Liv! I love how selfless and thoughtful you are! *hugs*

    Yikes, I don't know! Maybe...Richard Armitage? Like in "N&S"? Maybe. ;) What about you??
