Tuesday, August 16, 2011


So here's the thing.

I know myself well enough (in some respects) to know that if I start typing in this blank box anytime within the time frame of August 30 and September 6, I will probably say something I would terribly regret. So...I'm just not going to put myself in that situation.

But here's the thing.

They say there are 3 major life changes (at least, for Westerners, and not all of them at that, but most). 1. Going to college. 2. Getting married. 3. Having children.

Number 1 is right around the corner for me. Literally. Number 2 I don't dream about and therefore have no plans for it anytime in the near future, and number 3...anyways. Point being, I am about to embark on one of my life's most major changes so far (if not ever?).

Packing up my room, the one I've had for 19 years, and probably never seeing some of this stuff again. Leaving the church I grew up in. Saying goodbye to friends that have changed my life in some way, shape, or form. Leaving when it's good.

But then they say that it's better to have it end when it's good and not when it's bad.

Also, it's easy to change from bad to good, but it is hard to change from good to better.

It's hard for a pessimist with a loathing for change who does not have the gift of faith to really take anything beneficial from that last statement, but I'll try.

Did anyone see Toy Story 3? The ending part, with Andy? Do you know what I'm getting at?

Ug. There is light at the end of the tunnel, right?

Yes, I know there is. This...this is yet another chance to put my trust in Him. He is Steadfast. He is my Rock. From Him I draw my strength.


  1. Livvy!

    This is exactly how I feel. Exactly. Except I'm not going off to college. I'm just moving. And starting a new job.

    I have no words of wisdom. But sometimes...the light at the end of the tunnel is just the oncoming train.

    Just kidding. I...think.

  2. Ahh, but God has a bigger imagination than you, dearie! You might not be able to imagine anything better than the little slice of heaven you already have, but He has a sweepingly grand adventure for you! Not a painfree one, I'm sure, and maybe you even will feel a little droopy and homesick for awhile, but the pain enlarges your heart to hold more love and enjoy beauty more deeply than before! You never know what's around that bend in the road, Livs. I just know that ultimately it's going to be awesome for you, and I'm giddy with excitement to see it!


  3. There IS light at the end of the tunnel, and there are so many exciting and new things which you will encounter, and so many blessings that you never even dreamed about! I'm praying for you as you make this change - cause I know it's really hard! And if you ever need to talk, you know I'm here! And Jesus is always always there for you - no matter WHAT you are going through.
    Love you tons!
    Amy :O)
