Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Meme Day 23

Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better
Good food or when friends spontaneously go out of their way to make me feel loved.

I love dance. How I will miss it.

I have been craving hot apple cider for weeks. Craving fulfilled.

Oh, I got a 92% on my chemistry test today.


And a 91% on my history midterm.

=D happiness.


  1. Liebe Olivia,

    Ich libe dich! Du bist meine bese Freudine, und ich hoffe wir Freuden fur immer. :D Er...Ich kann mich nicht erinnern....uh (I have to switch to English now xD) what else I said in my ealier comment before your blog ate it. Oh well. -shrugs-

  2. *liebe

    Dang my German is slipping.
